Friday, November 23, 2007

Random drawing

I finished this sketch a few days back; I'm not sure why I made it look Grecian/ancient Roman, and I don't have any sort of story behind it, but it looks kind of interesting (I think).

I've also done more work on my tattoo designs, toy box concept art, and skate deck designs [which I will post as soon as it's all scanned in]. I'm not sure if anyone else is having the same problem, but I'm worried that my tattoo designs are a)not complex enough and b)that they lack originality. I do like one of them, which is of a sword--I revisited one of the very first designs I did for this assignment, back in the 3rd or 4th week of classes. I can't seem to tear myself away from that idea, much the same as my attachment for my incomplete toy logo (I hope this isn't a bad trend). I've given a lot of thought to the sword and I think that if it's too simple in itself, perhaps I could combine it with another large element...what I had in mind was that a bird (namely an owl) could be carrying the sword/have it dangling from one of its talons.

Of course, a picture is worth a thousand words (so they say), so once I've scanned in the relevant sketches, the concept will become a bit clearer.

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